Energy Saving Tips From SRP

It's that time of year again, our temperatures are rising daily and we will soon hit those dreaded triple digit temps.

Below are some highlights from SRP on energy saving ideas which will help keep your cooling and overall electric costs down this summer.

Follow the link below to view the full page in its original context.

  1. Leave draperies closed during the day to help keep out the heat.
  2. Leave the air vents open in your home. Closing air vents can create pressure imbalances resulting in increased air conditioning costs.
  3. Set your thermostat between 78 to 80 degrees when you are home and up to 85 degrees when you are away. For every degree you set your thermostat above 80 degrees, you can save approximately 2 to 3% on cooling costs.
  4. Set your air conditioning fan to "auto." This reduces the negative impact of improper air balances and turns the fan motor off when the unit is not cooling. Using "auto" rather than "on" can save you $15 to $25 each month on your energy costs.
  5. Replace disposable air filters once a month. A dirty filter forces your equipment to work harder, causing higher energy bills. Air Filters are provided free of charge at the office, stop in to pick one up, or request our maintenance team to replace it by calling in a service request.
  6. Take short showers instead of baths. A five-minute shower typically uses less than 15 gallons of water while a bath can use 30 to 40 gallons.
  7. Approximately 90% of the energy used to wash clothes goes to heating water. Save money by washing as many loads as possible in cold water.
  8. Set your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees. Turning the thermostat down from 140 degrees to 120 degrees can save up to $7 per month.
  9. Fill washer tub with the least amount of water necessary.
  10. Check the door gaskets on both the refrigerator and freezer to make sure they are in good shape and form tight seals. Close the door on a dollar bill. If you can remove the bill without feeling any friction or tightness, you may need to replace your gasket.
  11. Clean the coils on the bottom or back of the refrigerator several times a year to keep the unit operating properly.
  12. Dry consecutive loads to take advantage of the heat stored in your dryer.
  13. Combine clothes that require approximately the same amount of drying time so that you don't over-dry your clothes.•Clean the lint filter after each dryer load.
  14. Avoid adding heat and humidity to your home during the hottest part of the day by running your washer and dryer during the early morning or late evening during the summer.
  15. Run your dishwasher on a full load.
  16. Run your dishwasher during the cooler parts of the day (early morning or late evening) when your air conditioner will have to work less to reduce the added heat and humidity from dishwashing.
  17. Don't preheat the oven longer than necessary.
  18. Don't preheat your oven for long cooking foods and turn off the oven 15 minutes prior to completion.
  19. Leave the oven door closed during cooking. Each time you open the door, you lose about 25 to 50 degrees of heat.
  20. Prepare your foods when the kitchen is the coolest, usually during the early morning.
  21. You can get the most out of your oven or range by using it to capacity. If possible, cook everything at the same time.

  1. Help your air conditioner by doing moisture-producing chores, such as washing clothes and dishes or mopping floors in the early morning or at night when it is cooler. If you are on SRP's Time-of-Use price plan, doing laundry during the off-peak hours will help you save money.
  2. Run the exhaust fan while cooking to force hot air and pollutants out of the kitchen.
  3. Use the bathroom fan to remove the heat and humidity from your home when you shower or take a bath. Remember to turn it off when you are finished.

A Soldier Coming Home - Heartwarming Story

As we near Memorial Day, a day set aside to commemorate U.S. men and women who have died while serving in our military armed forces, I'd like to share a story I first shared back in November of 2009.

Nov. 15, 2009:
So yesterday at my apartment community I got to see one of the most unexpectedly touching things. I have to share.
My asst manager, leasing agent and I were sitting in the office discussing the weather and deciding if we should postpone our clean up because of the rain. Just then a limousine pulls in to the main entrance.

We, of course, all gather at the window to see who is arriving or departing in a limo, in Queen Creek (not an everyday occurance) and we see a family of kids gathered on the sidewalk. I know these kids because they live with their grandparents. We have never met their Mom or Dad.
The limo driver exits the car and walks around to open the back door and out steps a soldier in his fatiques. I’m thinking, oh my goodness, that must be those kid’s Dad, he’s been away at war and we are about to witness his welcome home! I’m getting all choked up and excited and kicking myself for not grabbing my camera, when he starts to walk the opposite direction. What?

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As he starts to walk toward one of the buildings, we see the group of kids run after him. We can’t hear what they are saying, but he stops, turns around and they all walk toward each other. He bends down, shakes each of their hands, gives one a hug then waves and goes on.
I wanted to find out who he was, so I went out to catch the kids and ask them. Before I could even get out the door the kids are jumping up and down and and talking so fast I had to concentrate to hear one of them over the other, they were all so excited finally managing to ask me “Did you see that soldier?” He was in the war! He shook our hand!! Did you see? Did you see?” “We just wanted to tell him Thank you, but he even shook our hand!!”

It was the coolest thing. They were so excited to see and meet that soldier, you’d have thought they’d met their favorite celebrity. My heart was gleaming I was so proud of those kids! Now if only we could have known he was coming so we could have had a huge welcome home line.
But, man, I hope he was as touched as we were and I hope he felt like a hero! Our soldiers deserve to be revered, and I am pretty excited to see kids in our community with an appreciation for them in their hearts.

Yay for sweet unexpected showings of human kindness!

If you have a special story to share, please send it to my email using the email link icon on our blog front page. I would love to share them.

Thank you Veterans, and God Bless those who've lost loved ones who so admirably, gave their all, for each of us, help us to be deserving of their sacrafice.